Bridge crane brake block brake is mainly
We have common gantry crane brakes, brake
overhead bridge crane is mainly block brakes. Block brake from the brake pad, brake arm, brake wheel and brake release components. Often the brake wheel and a half as the coupling mechanism mounted on the rotating shaft, the brake arm are arranged symmetrically hinged rack mounting portion, the inner friction material with two brake pads were living hinge the two brake arm on the brake release force of the brake, a pair of brake pads and the brake drum in a radial hold a braking torque.
hoist gantry cranes at power brakes, electromagnetic brake release device to attract the armature core pressure to the putter, putter swing to promote the left brake arm to the left, the main spring is compressed. Meanwhile, the auxiliary spring will relieve pressure on the right brake arm to the right, two brake arm brake pads and brake drive wheel separation, organizations can exercise. When the power is turned off, the core loss of magnetic attraction to eliminate the armature, the armature of the lifting rod and thus the pressure of the main spring under tension, with two brake arms swing inward, driving the brake pads hold brake wheel braking torque generated; Meanwhile, the auxiliary spring is compressed. Braking torque determined by the main spring force, the gap between the auxiliary spring to ensure loose. Brake blocks braking performance is largely determined by the performance of brake release decision.
Crane block brake is characterized by simple structure, easy installation, tile pairs generated pressure balance, so that the brake axle from bending loads. In
overhead gantry crane is widely used. It also should be noted that the use of maintenance.
Hook surface and internal quality requirements: hook surfaces should be smooth, without cracks, sharp, burr, delamination and other defects; hook inside without cracks, white point and affect its safe use of inclusions and other defects; lifting accessories defects on the hook does not allow welding; dangerous section shall not be worn up to 10% of the original size; openings should be consistent with the provisions of GB10051 in 5.2; lifting accessories hook torsional deformation of the hook body torsion angle shall not exceed 10 . Dangerous section of the hook shank or may not have plastic deformation; hook thread not corrode.